Dear Visitors,

We are pleased to provide you with crucial updates regarding Hungary's immigration laws, effective as of January 1, 2024. These revisions signify a substantial overhaul, introducing heightened standards & pivotal alterations for Third-country nationals (TCN) seeking residency and employment opportunities within Hungary.

Temporary Suspension of New Applications

While the enforcement of these new regulations was scheduled to commence on March 1, 2024, the comprehensive guidelines and directives governing their implementation, including executive decrees, are currently pending. As a result, the acceptance of new applications from TCNs has been temporarily suspended, with exceptions made for residence permits categorized as 'of national interest', subject to ministerial endorsement. For applications submitted prior to December 31, 2023, the previous regulations will remain applicable, although adjudications by the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing will be withheld until after March 1, 2024. Moreover, residence permits and permanent residence permits expiring between January 1, 2024, and February 29, 2024, will be automatically extended until April 30, 2024.

Expansion of Permit Categories

Previously defined by 18 distinct categories, the former Hungarian immigration law has now been supplanted by a more comprehensive framework consisting of 24 delineated types, including 8 tailored specifically for employment purposes. Noteworthy among these changes is the introduction of distinct work permit classifications for highly skilled professionals and low-skilled guest laborers, alongside a novel permit category catering to investors.

Criteria for Guest Worker Permits

Under the revised legislation, the issuance of guest worker residence permits is contingent upon employment with specified employers, originating from designated countries, and engaging in prescribed occupations. Furthermore, these permits may only be renewed for a finite period, up to a cumulative duration of 3 years. Following this period, extensions are precluded, necessitating the submission of fresh applications. Consequently, guest workers are bereft of entitlements to permanent residency or family reunification in Hungary.

Introduction of "Golden Visa"

Furthermore, the legislation introduces the concept of a "golden visa". Effective July 1, 2024, the guest-investor visa and residence permit will be accessible, affording a residency spanning 10+10 years contingent upon a minimum investment of 250,000 EUR in real estate funds. Detailed guidelines pertaining to this provision are yet to be promulgated.

Social Coexistence Requirement

It's important to note that certain residence permits may only be prolonged if applicants satisfy the criteria of 'social coexistence', substantiated by successful completion of an examination evaluating proficiency in Hungarian culture.

For further information and updates on Hungary's immigration laws, please visit our website,

Disclaimer: This presentation serves as general informational content and does not constitute legal advice. Individuals seeking specific legal counsel should consult qualified legal professionals with