Greece, known for its ancient history, breathtaking landscapes, and thriving economy, is a promising destination for Afghan citizens seeking new opportunities. Whether you're looking to work in Greece or start a business, Greece offers pathways to residency and eventually, citizenship. Here's how you can begin your journey.

Greece Work Permit Visa for Afghan Citizens

For Afghan citizens aspiring to work in Greece, obtaining a Greece Work Permit Visa is the essential first step. Below are the key requirements and steps involved:

  1. Secure a Job Offer: The first requirement is securing a job offer from a Greek employer. The employer must demonstrate that no suitable candidates within the EU are available for the position.

  2. Visa Application: Submit your Greece Work Permit Visa application at the nearest Greek embassy or consulate in Afghanistan. Essential documents include your job offer letter, a valid passport, proof of qualifications, and other necessary paperwork.

  3. Residence Permit: After arriving in Greece, you must apply for a residence permit to legally live and work in the country.

  4. Visa Duration: The work permit is typically issued for one year and is renewable as long as you remain employed in Greece.

  5. Path to Citizenship: After five years of continuous residency in Greece, you may apply for permanent residency. Citizenship can be pursued after seven years of legal residence.

Greece Business Resident Visa for Afghan Entrepreneurs

Afghan entrepreneurs looking to invest or start a business in Greece can benefit from the Greece Business Resident Visa. This visa is designed for those who wish to make a significant contribution to the Greek economy through investment.

  1. Investment Requirements: Applicants must make a significant financial investment in Greece, such as purchasing real estate, investing in a business, or starting a new enterprise.

  2. Comprehensive Business Plan: A detailed business plan that outlines the viability of your investment and its potential economic impact in Greece is required.

  3. Visa Application: Your application, along with proof of investment, a valid passport, and a clean criminal record, must be submitted at the Greek embassy or consulate in Afghanistan.

  4. Residence Permit: Upon approval, you will be granted a residence permit, allowing you to live and operate your business in Greece.

  5. Path to Citizenship: After maintaining your investment and residing in Greece for five years, you can apply for permanent residency. Citizenship is possible after seven years of legal residence.

Why Greece?

Greece offers a blend of rich cultural heritage, strategic business opportunities, and a high standard of living. For Afghan citizens, obtaining a work permit or business resident visa is not just about relocating; it's about securing a future in one of Europe’s most welcoming countries.

Get Started Today!

Ready to begin your journey to Greece? Contact us at [email protected] for professional guidance on your visa application process.

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